At Arthritis and Rheumatology Consultants, maximizing your health and clinic experience is our top priority. Certified Medical Laboratory Technicians (MLTs) in our CLIA-certified laboratories provide a multitude of resources that ensure your laboratory results are obtained quickly and are accurate. This allows your physician to diagnose your condition and tailor your treatment plan.
Some of the general tests that we perform within our clinic are: complete blood counts (white blood cell count, hemoglobin, platelets), inflammatory markers (ESR/CRP), liver function tests, and a kidney function test. We also test urine for 10 different components that indicate health/disease processes. In our in house specialty lab, we run tests to screen patients for tuberculosis and lyme disease. We assess vitamin D levels and analyze blood for highly specific antibodies that are present in certain rheumatologic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosis, and Sjogren’s. There are some laboratory tests that we do not perform in our clinics. Those tests are sent by our MLTs to reference laboratories. The MLTs also work to ensure there are no delays in getting results from both our in-house lab and our reference laboratories to your physician so you will receive optimal care in a timely fashion.